Mathematician announce his conversion to Islam After his conversion to Islam says: Stories that fascinated me and I consider the miracles is the story of the Prophet may Allah bless him and him with my father flame. "This man Abu flame he hated Islam unwillingly severe, to the point that he was followed Muhammad peace be upon him wherever he went; to diminish the value of what the apostle Pray God upon him .. If the Apostle speaks to people strangers, it waits until the end of the Apostle of the words, to go to them and then ask them: What did you say Muhammad?, if you said black is white, if you said the night is day. destination, he disagrees with anything he says Holy Prophet peace be upon him, and people question it .. 10 years before the death of Abu Lahab sura in the Quran was revealed her name Sura Masad says: {The hands of Abu Lahab perish * richest him his money and earn * fire flame will pray * and his wife firewood bra * in both good rope occlusive} This sura decide that the father of a flame will go to the fire, in other words, that the father of a flame will not enter Islam. In ten years all that was on my father flame has to do is to come before the people and say: (Mohammed says I will not become a Muslim and will enter the fire, but I now declare that I want to enter in Islam and become a Muslim!! Now what do you think you Muhammad Sadiq as saying or No? Does the revelation that he gets a revelation?) .. But "Abu Lahab" I did not do just that, although all his actions were the breach Prophet peace be upon him, but he did not go against in this matter; mean story as if to say: The Prophet peace be upon him says Abu Lahab you hate me and want to Tnhena, Well have the opportunity to denounce my words! But he did not do in ten years!! Did not deliver and did not pretend to Islam!! Ten years had a chance to destroy Islam and one minute! But because the speech is not the words of Muhammad, peace be upon him, but he inspired who knows the unseen, and he knows that Abu Lahab will not deliver. How to Muhammad, peace be upon him to know that the father of a flame will prove in Sura if not this revelation from God?! How to be confident during the ten years that he has the right if he did not know that the revelation of God?! To put people with this serious challenge has only one thing, That his words inspired by God.

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